Mind Blowing

Mind over Matter

Don’t Mind your Brain

mind over matter

If you are involved in athletics, or know someone who is, you will understand that the training involved as well as the events themselves can be brutal.  The most vivid example that I can offer is that of the long distance runner.  If you have made that effort or watched others who have, you know that sometimes the runner deposits the contents of his stomach on the side of the road.  Yet, the runner continues on as his goal is to finish the race.  Here, the runner is using his mind to bypass what his body is very actively telling him to stop.
Now, you might be wondering where I am going with all of this.  Well, here it is.  A psychiatrist by the name of Dr. Daniel Segel has suggested that we have three unique attributes; our mind, our body, and our relationships.  Now, that’s not mind-blowing either.  But wait a minute.  How would you react if I were to tell you that your brain is not who you are?  Your mind is who you are and your mind is distinct from the rest of your body.  Now that could be big, really big.  Huge.  Sometimes your brain, as well as your body, tells you to do things just like our runner.  But sometimes those things don’t line up with who we are, be it our values or our goals.  In such a case, we need to use our mind to bypass what the rest of what our body is saying and do what’s in line with what we seek to accomplish and stick to it.

Action Item

Take a minute to reflect on some recent event, how you responded and where the response came from. How did it line up with what you consider valuable in life, who you really want to be?  Take a minute to write down your reflections and how you would like to act differently.  Go ahead and share it with me here.

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To Your Success!

Coach Rossitto


“The opinions voiced in this material are for general information and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.”

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