Reaping with Research

Becoming an Expert

Research, research, research!


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One of the last parts of a book is the bibliography.  Authors give us the opportunity to go to a variety of sources to verify their information. I will admit, I don’t usually spend much time there.  Most often, probably like you, the other contents are what capture my attention.  Well, what the bibliography does mean is that the authors have spent a lot of time researching information.  They have become an expert on it and then added their twist.
In the book “Think Big,” Dr. Carson describes his learning process.  As a student, he would search out as many sources on a topic as he could get his hands on. This offered him a high level of knowledge which offers a great level of confidence  in response.  So, when looking into something, seek out various sources to learn more than may be expected.  You never know when that extra information may come in handy.

Action Time!

A motivational speaker, Brian Tracy is a very successful businessman and speaker.  He offered the suggestion of taking one topic a year, each year, and reading all one could get their hands on.  Over a number of years, that made him an expert on a lot of stuff. If this is a challenge you are up for, let me know and I will look forward to hearing what you have learned at the end of the year. Bring it!


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To Your Success!

Coach Rossitto

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The opinions voiced in this material are for general information and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

Securities and Advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor.  Member FINRA/SIPC

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How to Reach Your Goals

Write them down like you mean it

Writing goals helps you obtain them

set goals

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One of the goals that I have set for myself this year, and every year, is to read 26 books. I have written that goal as well as a variety of other goals down and carry them with me.  As I read a book, I make a mark on the list so as to stay on top of my progress.  At this point, I am on track as I have read some 11 books and it isn’t even July yet.  Are you impressed?  I put this out, not to brag (though a high-five wouldn’t hurt), but to be accountable.  I look forward to sharing some insights through the year on things I have picked up.


Some time ago, a survey compiled of Harvard graduates.  The survey had to do with goals.  The survey was to the effect of how many had any specific goals, how many had written them down, and if my memory serves me, who carried a copy of their goals with them.  I would suggest this is a rather prestigious crowd.  The results are interesting.  Of all the graduates surveyed, less than 10% (I think the number was 5% but don’t quote me) had their goals written down and carried them.  The people who made up that small minority had more financial resources then the rest of the group combined.

Action Time!

Take a few minutes to think about what you want to accomplish that is solely dependent on your actions and activities and not dependent on the actions of others. Write them down.  If you have opted to journal your daily activities, put it in your journal.  Make up a 3×5 card and put them on the card. Review them regularly.  As you hit the target, cross it off.  As new things come up, add them to the list.  Once a year, perhaps on your birthday, if you are journaling, see how well you have done and what still needs to be accomplished. I challenge you to take a minute to write some of your goals here.
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To Your Success!

Coach Rossitto

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

Securities and Advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor.  Member FINRA/SIPC

The LPL Financial Registered Representatives associated with this site may only discuss and/or transact securities business with residents of the following states: AZ, CA, MD, NY. TX

Mind Blowing

Mind over Matter

Don’t Mind your Brain

mind over matter

If you are involved in athletics, or know someone who is, you will understand that the training involved as well as the events themselves can be brutal.  The most vivid example that I can offer is that of the long distance runner.  If you have made that effort or watched others who have, you know that sometimes the runner deposits the contents of his stomach on the side of the road.  Yet, the runner continues on as his goal is to finish the race.  Here, the runner is using his mind to bypass what his body is very actively telling him to stop.
Now, you might be wondering where I am going with all of this.  Well, here it is.  A psychiatrist by the name of Dr. Daniel Segel has suggested that we have three unique attributes; our mind, our body, and our relationships.  Now, that’s not mind-blowing either.  But wait a minute.  How would you react if I were to tell you that your brain is not who you are?  Your mind is who you are and your mind is distinct from the rest of your body.  Now that could be big, really big.  Huge.  Sometimes your brain, as well as your body, tells you to do things just like our runner.  But sometimes those things don’t line up with who we are, be it our values or our goals.  In such a case, we need to use our mind to bypass what the rest of what our body is saying and do what’s in line with what we seek to accomplish and stick to it.

Action Item

Take a minute to reflect on some recent event, how you responded and where the response came from. How did it line up with what you consider valuable in life, who you really want to be?  Take a minute to write down your reflections and how you would like to act differently.  Go ahead and share it with me here.

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To Your Success!

Coach Rossitto


“The opinions voiced in this material are for general information and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.”

Securities and Advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor.  Member FINRA/SIPC

The LPL Financial Registered Representatives associated with this site may only discuss and/or transact securities business with residents of the following states: AZ, CA, MD, NY. TX

Your Irresistible Life

Make Your Life More Interesting

 Spruce up your Life

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     Inspiration sometimes requires an outside source.  In thinking through some of my more successful writing assignments in high school and college, two papers stick out in my memory. Both were in English classes, one as a junior in high school, the other in a freshman college English class.  I had read the assignment but couldn’t find a starting point to write it.  I took the opportunity to check out the works of other authors and after reading a few short paragraphs, the concept I came up with jelled and inspired me.  I worked the theme through and with some effort, applied some reasonable gray matter and, voila, I earned an “A” on both of these papers.  Now, it would be reasonable to think that I would take that success and apply it on other assignments.  Wrong. 
     Often, we look at the accomplishments that others have made and believe the whole deal started and ended with them.  Sometimes it does.  Most often, there was some unusual outside motivation or event that sparked their imagination and they used their own talents and thoughts to develop something unique.  To make life interesting, we need to schedule time to just explore stuff.  You will eventually find something that you can pour some time and creativity into that perhaps no one else has done.  Honing that process will cause you to become skilled and often passionate about the topic. Then seek out others who are in the same field and share your experiences.  You will develop a network of people who can help you and that you can help as well. 

Action time…

     Take a few minutes to block out some time to explore areas of interest and then explore and develop one that others can benefit from and develop it.  Enjoy the process and effort.  It transfers to other parts of life.  You will develop a creative process and enjoy the confidence it brings. 
As always, I’d love to hear your stories or thoughts here.

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To Your Success!

Coach Rossitto





Securities and Advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor.  Member FINRA/SIPC

The LPL Financial Registered Representatives associated with this site may only discuss and/or transact securities business with residents of the following states: AZ, CA, MD, NY. TX