Reaping with Research

Becoming an Expert

Research, research, research!


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One of the last parts of a book is the bibliography.  Authors give us the opportunity to go to a variety of sources to verify their information. I will admit, I don’t usually spend much time there.  Most often, probably like you, the other contents are what capture my attention.  Well, what the bibliography does mean is that the authors have spent a lot of time researching information.  They have become an expert on it and then added their twist.
In the book “Think Big,” Dr. Carson describes his learning process.  As a student, he would search out as many sources on a topic as he could get his hands on. This offered him a high level of knowledge which offers a great level of confidence  in response.  So, when looking into something, seek out various sources to learn more than may be expected.  You never know when that extra information may come in handy.

Action Time!

A motivational speaker, Brian Tracy is a very successful businessman and speaker.  He offered the suggestion of taking one topic a year, each year, and reading all one could get their hands on.  Over a number of years, that made him an expert on a lot of stuff. If this is a challenge you are up for, let me know and I will look forward to hearing what you have learned at the end of the year. Bring it!


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To Your Success!

Coach Rossitto

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